Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Wu Chun not going solo: Manager

Taiwan singer-actor Wu Chun’s manager Lu Shu Juan has denied recent news reports that Wu will be leaving Taiwan boy band Fahrenheit to focus on a solo career, reported Chinese media.
“There is no such thing. Wu Chun did not announce that he is going solo during a meet-the-fans session.
“He just told a reporter during an interview that his main focus for this year will be film when asked about the expiry of his music contract,” explained Lu on Tuesday.
“People just like to use strong words to describe things.” said Wu’s manager, who reiterated that “Wu did not announce he was going solo”.
31-year-old Wu’s former record label H.I.M International has confirmed that Wu’s contracts with the company had indeed expired, but said the Brunei-born singer, along with band mates Calvin Chen, Jiro Wang and Aaron Yan, will still remain together as Fahrenheit.
“Although, Wu Chun’s management contract and album contract have not been settled upon, we are still taking care of his appearances and spokesperson engagements,” said a H.I.M representative on Tuesday.
“Fahrenheit will not dissolve. While all four members have their own plans this year, the company will still do its best to arrange for the four of them to perform on stage together.”
Wu previously worked as a model and managed a chain of gyms in Brunei before joining Fahrenheit in 2005.
He appeared with action star Donnie Yen in the martial arts film “14 Blades” last year and will star opposite Barbie Hsu in director Gao Xiaosong’s upcoming film “My Kingdom”.
He will also play Rainie Yang’s love interest in the idol drama “Sunshine Angel” which is slated to debut later this year.

“Fei Lun Hai denies disbanding, Aaron said they have recorded 4 new songs”

          Fei Lun Hai (Fahrenheit) appeared at San Queyi, Beijing, but they seemed to be incomplete as Wu Chun was missing and only Aaron, Jiro, Calvin performed at that night. The trio sang “心疼你的心疼” and “守護星” songs and in between they imitated each others dance movements of “Sexy Girl” in funny way that exploded laugh in the audience. In response, to the dissolution rumours the three of them denied it straightly.
It was reported that, Wu Chun’s absence from this activity is not because of the dissolution as the rumours go on, but because he is busy with his own work in Brunei. There have been many rumours that Wu Chun stood out (quitting) because of being felt alienated from the other 3 members.

No disbanding
The 3 of them clarified in the same that: Every time there are people who says this, it is not like some personal planning, Wu Chun  has helped us opened a window for us on the big screen, he made us known through different channel groups in other countries, so there is no so-called jealousy. As for the outside world this “Dissolution” is most famous they said, Aaron Yan said bluntly, “Really, now in the group Fahrenheit, I’m the only one left” .

Competition with other Groups
On the issue of competing with them, said that “The first Chinese Music Group Combination” SJ-M for a long time been one, but the Captain’s sudden leaving , had left many issues unsolved. Aaron’s response is not ambiguous: “I think Han and the company may some misunderstanding between them, I think they will eventually find a way to resolve it”. In addition, Aaron also said that, “Fahrenheit has also completed recording 4 new songs” . His words also made the Fahrenheit’s dissolution rumours untrue.

Aaron Yan ” Bad luck founds him “
As Fahrenheit’s “Most authoritive spokesperson” Aaron had bad luck in past year again and again. Originally “Momo” male lead, he did not go through as Gui Gui trouble did not end and, finally the drama has stopped for nearly a year. After re-shooting,the company replaced Jiro for the lead. Subsequently, he starred in the drama “Love Buffet”encountered typhoon, the crew lost two million NT dollars, forced drama to be stopped. Rehearsals for the concert, he sprained his left ankle, and finally can play through the pain. New Year, “Love Buffet” started re-shooting, he participated in the “Sunday I’m the greatest “, “steadily loud” and other variety shows and have attracted a good response. In the interview, Aaron expressed the hope that they can have good luck coming this year.

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

"Materai TIK Kelas 9 : Concentrators atau Hub"

Concentrators atau Hub

           Sebuah concentrators atau Hub adalah sebuah perangkat yang menyatukan kabel kabel network dari tiap-tiap workstation,server atau perangkat lain.Dalam topologi bintang,kabel twisted pair datang dari sebuah workstation masuk ke dalam hub.Hub mempunyai banyak slot concentrator yang mana dapat dipasang menurut nomor port dari kartu yang dituju

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

album terbaru fahrenheit (飛輪海)

Akhirnya fahrenheit (飛輪海) merilis album terbaru mereka yang berjudul super hot setelah selama 20bulan dengan album lama mereka love you more and more
fahrenheit yang digawangi oleh jiro wang,aaron yan,calvin chen,dan wu zun menampilkan kesan sexy di album mereka yang terbaru dan lengkap dengan foto foto terhot mereka
"Super Hot" lebih lengkap dibandingkan dengan album terakhir Fahrenheit's " love you more and more " (dirilis hampir dua tahun yang lalu), yang memiliki tema rocker dengan banyak gitar listrik dan bass instrumental.

Fahrenheit Super Hot

Singer : Fahrenheit (飛輪海 – Fei Lun Hai)
Album : Super Hot (太熱 – Tai Re)
Released Date : 21 September 2010
Label : WOW Music (HK)
Track List :
01. 太熱 – Tai Re
02. Sexy Girl
03. 心疼妳的心疼 Xin Teng Ni De Xin Teng
04. 繼續愛 – Ji Xu Ai
05. 很安靜 – Hen An Jing
06. 守護星 – Shou Hu Xing
07. 活得更像我 – Huo De Geng Xiang Wo
08. 誤會 – Wu Hui
09. 泰山程式 – Tai Shan Cheng Shi
10. 新生 – Xin Sheng

Photos Fahrenheit in album Super Hot
Fahrenheit Super Hot
Fahrenheit Super Hot

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